Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Conundrum called life!

Am just thinking aloud! (A passe corporate phrase)

Is life a puzzle or a mystery?

A puzzle can be solved given that crucial piece of information or the usual missing link. A mystery on the other hand is just what it is! You may have all the information in the world but it's just unsolvable!

Life often throws puzzles and mysteries at its beholder and the usual problem is the inability to judge which one it is!

The extent of chaos one faces everyday usually implies that chance plays a dominant rule in the shaping up of any individual life. Simple decisions sometimes become the toughest and the most mind-boggling.

Alas, one can only live forward and understand it backward!

Or, as someone in Jurassic Park said, "Life just finds its way!"


Anshu Anand said...

Nice View. I had never thought this way. Vey Interesting

Suresh said...

Have a nice trip to India.