Saturday, May 24, 2008

Why is Obama Good for the World

Imagine when you were a kid.....running around the folks of your family in the backyard of your home.

Now imagine this: Everybody in your family was white except you. You were black!

Obama had a unique problem.

Being black in America is very different from being black anywhere else. It has very different connotation and an overwhelming load of baggage associated with it. The best way for any black kid to deal with it is to have a cushion of black family which can completely absorb and distill his or her apprehensions about society.

Obama never had this luxury. He never really understood why things were the way they were.

All he could do was play basketball and smoke pot to appear as tough as any other black kid.

Fortunately or Unfortunately, he wasn't really good with the ball or pot or the girls.

Later in his life, he travelled to Kenya to discover his own roots. Reminds me so much of the epic stories of Abdul Kalam traveling to meet a Monk to understand why he could not become a pilot and Steve Jobs hiking across Himalayas with a dollar in pocket to discover the purpose of life. Somehow, great minds think alike and i wonder how!

Great leaders are born when extraordinary self inquiry results in a mental framework where they finally realign the inner self with the outer. Most of the times, it is a great thing to do.

So, Obama was born and the whole world is now waiting to see what does it really mean for the planet.

Whites in Texas, Blacks in New York, Africans in Kenya and Mullahs in Afghanistan may have a thing or more to worry less about. Hillary and McCain have everything to worry about.

Hopefully, this relief will last for more than a single term of US presidency.

Harvard Law is surely an interesting program. I Like.

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