Monday, September 15, 2008


At the far end of the horizon,

Sun is glowing red and ready to set with purpose

As history is written on the walls of the street

Wolves cry out loud and run over the edge

Paper weight stops and looks at the glass window,

Wonders what the fat lady is staring at

At the other end,

opposite a small mud hut in Kabul

the kid covers his face with little wet hands

he doesn't want to go to school

"why?", he asks.


Anshu Anand said...

As history is written on the walls of the street

-- > Is it related to the Fall of Lehman brothers on Wall street. I am getting a whole another meaning of this.May be it is something you intended !

Suresh said...

interesting question. i wrote it on the same day but it may just be a coincidence.