Thursday, December 06, 2007

Bitter Truth

A conversation on a local train in Boston between an Indian and an European -

(The average Indian guy somehow always manages to mention the name of the school he went to)

I: So, i went to this school called IIM-A in india
E: Oh yeah, what for?
I: It is the top MBA institute of India, it is far difficult to get into than harvard or wharton!!
E: Wow, you must be smart!! What does this school have that the top US schools don't?
I: Oh, the admission rate is so much lesser. Wharton admits a lot higher ratio of applicants.
E: So,(ahem), that's your only claim to fame?

I: (Starts thinking)

The discussion soon fizzles away to a less important topic.

(This is one the things i do during my lone travels on the local train here! Try to pretend to read a book with earphones on. But, i always manage to listen to others conversations. Sick, isn't it?)

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