Monday, June 02, 2008


There is a 300 feet statue of Shivaji being built on marine drive. People like me who do not belong to mumbai but belong to mumbai(!) are slightly irritated at the idea.

Why such mad love for Shivaji?

I spent three hours researching Shivaji and his influence on maratha society in particular and hindu society in general. At the end of the research, I realized that the 300 feet is just a spec of dust compared to what the man deserves.

Shivaji is not great because of the things he achieved in his lifetime. This is inspite of the grand scale of events which is much higher than the reach of ordinary humans. His real genius is revealed after his death. All the small steps he took in his lifetime were really his building blocks to empower the Maratha society with character and courage. The code of honour and the visionary defense strategy developed by Shivaji was what helped Marathas defeat Mughals in a war of 27 years post his death.

A real king who served his people with great kindness or simply a genius at his work. India needs many more of his statues to remind us of what we can be if only we can believe in the possibility.

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