Thursday, April 13, 2006

Death and Consciousness!

"Death". What does it really mean? Does it all end with death? If it's obviously yes(or is it not?), what's the purpose of anything that i do? Are the day-to-day struggles to prove one's worth and the superficial things that i do in order to attain that so-called "pleasure", sum up to life? To understand death, i guess i need to understand life better. What is life? Emotions. Life is all about emotions, isn't it? You know you are living because you react when something happens. The reaction can be absolutely any feeling depending on what caused that reaction. Happy or Sad depends on where exactly you are on the time-space curve. A person who lacks emotions is as good as dead. You got to react when something happens to you. Reaction doesn't mean a loud one. It can be a very subtle one and intangible to others. But, it got to be there.

There is plenty of literature available on consciousness & death. So, I went to wikipedia to read some of it. The website:

And there is something very striking that i found on the above site.

The website says, When death is imminent.....

Physical death is a progressive process, during which there are some signs that usually indicate that death is imminent. Not all of the following changes occur, nor do they necessarily occur in any particular order, as the body shuts down during the dying process.

* The dying individual may become increasingly tired and sleepy, and may be difficult to arouse (lethargy).

* The individual may become confused much of the time and may no longer recognize familiar persons, places, or objects.

* Hearing and vision may become impaired, and speech may be slurred, difficult to understand, or nonsensical.

* A few dying individuals become restless or very anxious and move about frequently in the bed, pull at the bed clothes or bedding (linen clutch), and reach out.

* The person may experience hallucinations.

* Less nourishment will be required, and the person’s intake of food and water will diminish. Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia) may also occur.

* The person may sweat profusely.

The fact is, I keep doing some of these many-a-times. Does it mean i keep dying? Then may be am being reborn everyday. Each day starts with my birth and ends with my death. And my performance on each day decides my fate on the next day. And someday, i will retire. After that day, there will be no rebirth.

p.s: On a serious note, I am not sure if i am alive. I don't react to many things anymore. I just duck and hide. The news of the death of someone i know but don't really know, confuses me to no end. I don't know how should i react. The feeling of guilt is the only reaction that i feel. And the guilt is because i never had any reaction in the first place.

Then, i got here... Am still reading it!

So much to read and so little time..............

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