Tuesday, August 14, 2007

She lay on the bed...

...wrapped in white, half covered in sheets. Her body was half revealed, and looked like it had been made to be loved by me.

I walked up to her, and turned her around. She looked at me lazily, and I could see myself in her eyes. I had loved her for years now, because everything about her was so unique, precious, and beautiful. She smiled at me, and her milky white skin shone in the morning light. I took her in my arms, caressing her tenderly, and knowing that she was now mine, for now, for ever.

She looked at peace, like the creator had thought out every inch of her design. She welcomed me with open arms, and I lost myself in her warm embrace. I knew I didn't want anything else in the world ever again: no money, no house, no doors, and definitely, no Windows.

My Angel.
My MacBook.

-Anon! :)

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