Friday, May 05, 2006


Everything around is bizarre. I will run you through some kind of a list

1. A wanne-be-famous brother kills his own famous brother because he wasn't helping him make some quick money.

2. A driver drives the public bus rashly and kills 35 people because he had a bad argument with his wife in the morning!

3. Some guys cut the head off of a foreigner as he doesn't belong to their kind and they hate other kind of people living on their land! (I like this one)

4. The guy with no head has a hidden wife who demands a part of the sympathy money from the government/corporate.

5. The original wife comits suicide (this is not bizare, especially not after the turn of events)

6. My boss needs me to work overtime because he needs to impress his boss over a cup of coffee!

7. Sreesanth claims he wants to bowl at 150 kmph (the most bizarre of all!!!!)

8. Almost everybody i know seems to be on orkut. The biggest neighbourhood one could ever imagine!

9. I miss home

Are all these things connected? Is there something missing? Are you confused about what are you reading? Well, that was exactly the topic of this blog. "Bizarre". If this is not bizarre, what else is?

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