Thursday, May 18, 2006

What's in a name?

Well, not much really or so i thought for long!

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Boston Analytics (BA) are two different companies. (Well, so? nothing is really wrong about being different! .........u too think so?)

Their offices in bombay are in neighbouring buidlings. This seems innocuous too.

I happen to work for the latter of the companies and know first hand that some thing is really not innocuous abt the names and locations of the two. The loads of visitors who land at my office hoping that they have reached boston consulting group will testify to the fact.

I have people barging into my door every day and asking if it's BCG. And i love their funny reactions when i tell them that they have landed at the wrong place. Earlier today in the morning a fat lady barged into my office (which actually caused this blog!). She was aghast at the small size of the office and might have thought for a moment that may be BCG has gone bankrupt. When i told her the inevitable truth, the fat lady seemed very disappointed. For one thing, she will have to walk all the way back and up now. (I once gleefully accepted a huge biscuits packet which was actually sent to BCG but accidentally reached BA. I persisted that it's the wrong place but the biscuit boy seemed more than happy to finish the matter there and then. But, sadly my better senses prevailed and i had to send him back)

The victims (read visitors) are a daily routine. The Postmen, pizzaboys, job-seekers, mobile guys, friends of employees, foreign visitors (:O), etc have all bitten the dust. Must surely have been a funny and at the same time, humbling experience to each one of them. The real fun is all mine, though! :)

Epilogue: This blog is dedicated to all those visitors (martyrs) who needed to go to BCG and ended up at my door!


Anonymous said...

Most of what he says is right except for the biscuit guy. Since he never told us about it so I would presume that he gulped them all by himself. Though I also had the honours of entertaining BCG clients but unfortunately...wasnt lucky enuf to being entertained!

Suresh said...

Thanks for your testimony :P The biscuit guy was as original as his biscuits...nd i didnt gulp any of them. So wat if u missed out on the entertainment of BCG clients? I think i hav given u enuf entertainment while u were here :*

Anshu Anand said...

I doubt that ...'you did not gulp the biscuits'part ...:)